Listen, Lady, Listen‘

Autor unbekannt Listen, Lady, listen to my heart’s song,Listen, Lady, listen to my heart’s song,I will never forget you, I will never forsake you,I will never forget you, I will never forsake you.

13 Trees Chant

von Aisling Apple for the Lady,Oak for the Lord,Hazel for the Wise Ones,Holly for the sword, Rowan for protection,Birch to make a start,Alder for the fire,Willow for the heart.Ash the Magician,Ivy makes a crownVine for the wineWhen the cup comes aroundElder for the ancients,In the forest tall,And the yew tree at Samhain,To cover us all!

God Chant: Mithras, Osiris, Cernunnos…

von Shadow ||: Mithras, Osiris, Cernunnos, Apollo, Hannuman, Wotan, Chango :|| oder eine lokale Salt Lake Version, unbekannter Autor ||: Osiris, Adonis, Khuruz, Pan, Dionysos, Shiva, Dumuzi :|| oder von Lady Bridget ||: Pan, Poseidon, Dionysus, Cernunnos, Mithras, Loki, Apollo :||

Faery song

von Lisa Thiel Dance, dance in the month of maydance, dance with the queen of feyall my sisters dance and singdance around the faery ringlalala… Celebrate the retun of lifedance, dance in the warm sunlightall my brothers dance and singdance around the faery ringlalala… Dance, dance when the moon is brightdance, dance in the pale starlightall my sisters dance and singdance around the faery ringlalala……

Spirits of the fire

Spirits of the fire come to usWe will kindle the fireSpirits of the fire come to usWe will kindle the fire We will kindle the fireDance the magic circle ‘roundWe will kindle the fireWe will kindle the fire 2. Stimme:von Pomegranate Rose Fire, fire, fire:Kindle our spirit (spirits) higher   (Flame of our desire)In thy flame, naught remains:But fire, fire, fire.

Silent night

Text von Ellen Reed; Melodie: Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht Silent night, Solstice Night All is calm, all is bright Nature slumbers in forest and glen Till in Springtime She wakens again Sleeping spirits grow strong! Sleeping spirits grow strong! Silent night, Solstice night Silver moon shining bright Snowfall blankets the slumbering Earth Yule fires welcome the Sun’s rebirth Hark, the Light is reborn! Hark, the Light is reborn! Silent night, Solstice night Quiet rest till the Light Turning ever the rolling Wheel Brings the winter to comfort and heal Rest your spirit in peace! Rest your spirit in peace! Text von Karen Deal Robinson Silent night, holy night,All is calm, all is bright.Starlight gleams upon the snow.In our hands the candles glow,As we sing of peace.As we sing of peace. Silent night, holy night,We will share love’s pure light.Radiant beams from every faceTell our dreams for every place.Hope again is born,Hope again is born.

Share the light

Melodie: „The first noel“ On this Winter holiday, let us stop and recall That this season is holy to one and to all. Unto some a Son is born, unto us comes a Sun, And we know, if they don’t that all paths are one. Chorus:Share the light, share the light! Share the light, share the Light! All paths are one on this holy night! Be it Chanukah or Yule, Christmas time or Solstice night, All celebrate the eternal light. Lighted tree or burning log, Or eight candle flames. All gods are one god, whatever their names.

Moon of silver

Melodie: „We Three Kings“ Maiden, Mother, Ancient Crone, Queen of Heaven on your throne, Praise we sing Thee, Love we bring Thee, For all that you have shown. Chorus:Oh, Moon of Silver, Sun of Gold, Gentle Lady, Lord so bold! Guide us ever, failing never, Lead us in ways of old. Lord of Darkness, Lord of Light, Gentle Brother, King of Might, Praise we sing thee, Love we bring Thee On this Solstice night.

God rest ye merry, Paganfolk

Melodie: „God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen“ God rest ye merry, paganfolk, Let nothing you dismay. Remember that the Sun returns Upon this Solstice day. The growing dark is ending now And Spring is on its way. Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy! Oh, tidings of comfort and joy. The Goddess rest ye merry, too, And keep you safe from harm. Remember that we live within The circle of Her arms, And may Her love give years to come A very special charm. Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, Comfort and joy! Oh, tidings of comfort and joy!